1. Level of the Course : Elementary Teachers’ Training
2. Name of the Teacher Education Course : B.Ed.
3. Duration of the Course : 2 Years
4. Whether to be conducted in Face to face or distance mode : Face to Face.
5. Proposed Intake : 50
6. Academic Session From Which the course will be conducted : 2016
7. Details of the Affiliating Body :
Name : West Bengal Board of Primary Education : THE WEST BENGAL UNIVERSITY OF TEACHERS’ TRAINING,
Address : 25/2 and 25/3, Ballygunge Circular Road,
Kolkata – 700019.Land line : 033-24750033
E-mail : wbuttepa@gmail.com , vc@wbuttepa.ac.in
Mail id for Controller Section : wbuttepacoe@gmail.com
University Help-Line Nos. 033- 2486 6042, 033- 2486 6044